The Gift of Desperation
The Gift of Desperation, the True Story of God's Grace Alive in a Life provides HOPE from the irreversible decisions of abortion, promiscuous lifestyle, and the cyclical behavior of using alcohol/drugs to relieve the pain, that is NEVER erased. Her story is for anyone struggling with the secrets that keep them defeated in life. When everyone else seemed to have the answers to life, she was lost. How she finally cried out to Jesus, "I have no business being here but I'm not letting go!" Kate shares how awakening from the death of her old life to the redemption into a new life and how it is all beyond her wildest imagination.
The Story of God's Grace Alive in a Life
The theme throughout Kate's story? If Jesus can fully forgive Kate, giving her newness of life and purpose - beauty for ashes, He can forgive anyone.
Why this message:
People are dying physically and spiritually from alcohol and drug addiction.
Out of 21 million addicted Americans, 15.7 million report addiction w/ alcohol
The remaining 6 million to drugs and other addictions
Based on these statistics, about 1 in 5 pregnancies lead to abortion
From that, 3.8% of those women will likely be involved in substance abuse
These women often feel guilt, shame, fear, and desperation from the time they find out they are pregnant to the time they decide to end it. Often this procedure haunts women their whole life, leading to self-medication with drugs or alcohol.
Sources: Researchers from the University of Manitoba; The National Survey on Drug Use and Health